In Command & Conquer (also known as Tiberian Dawn), an anomalous extraterrestrial substance known as tiberium is brought to Earth through a meteoric collision in the early 1990s. The 1996 Command & Conquer: Red Alert, made to be the prequel to the 1995 Command & Conquer, is the genesis of an alternate history in which games outside the Tiberian series are set. The games of the Tiberian series compose the storyline of the original Command & Conquer universe. The Tiberian series is a series of the Command & Conquer franchise of real-time strategy video games developed by Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts. JSTOR ( July 2009) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.įind sources: 'Command & Conquer: Tiberian series' – news
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